At such a fateful time for Ukraine and for all of us, we can clearly see that no matter where you are – you are with Ukraine in your heart! Whether you are heroically defending your homeland in the Armed Forces, in the Territorial Militia, volunteering or simply working to strengthen the state’s economy or raising your children, you are fighting. We are proving that Ukraine is an independent and strong statehood, and we are all invincible Ukrainian people who stand for their freedom. There is no doubt that volunteerism has become a trend of public activity. The invaluable contribution of volunteers can be seen not only in Ukraine but also beyond its borders.

Sergiy Borysov is a native of Pereiaslav, graduate from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. He has been living in the United States for many years. He is a professor of Molecular Biology at Saint Leo University in Florida. Together with his wife, Meghan Borysova, a Ph.D. in Cancer Biology, they are collecting donations to support the residents of Pereiaslav.
During the first month, several thousands were donated to the Pereiaslav Volunteer Unit to provide fuel and medicine for the city’s territorial defense. In May, Sergiy provided 100 complete sets of military uniforms and more than 500 medical supplies (blood thinners, tourniquets, antibiotics, water purifiers, etc.), much of which was sent directly to the combat zone in Sumy Region. Help from Sergiy continues at the moment – defenders are waiting for two thermal imaging cameras and other items of military equipment and uniforms.
“Donations were given by family members, friends, neighbors, our colleagues, and students of Saint Leo University in Florida. During these three months, more than a hundred people made their donations. Among them, Kevin Kreeger, Meghan’s brother, is donating a portion of his salary each month to continue to support Pereiaslav. Sarah Nimon, a director of “Learning Gate” kindergarten in Florida, has also made significant donations. “Learning Gate” has a long10-year academic partnership with the Faculty of Historical and Social-Psychological Education at Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav and the local “Zolotyi kliuchyk” Kindergarten.

Підтримка та інтерес до України не є чимось новим для Сари та працівників дитсадка «Ворота Знань» у Флориді. Серед багатьох заходів, у 2015 році вони щиро приймали українських воїнів, які проходили стажування у місцевій військовій частині.
Арт Неш, філантроп із Флориди, познайомився із мною під час заходу «Солідарність з Україною», який ми організовували у квітні. Арт зробив щедрий внесок, який покрив 50% усіх витрат на придбання та доставку форми» – додає Сергій Борисов та зазначає, що сьогодні наполеглива волонтерська робота є одним із головних чинників наближення перемоги України.
До слова, багато переяславців знають Сергія Борисовa як виконавця бальних танців на міських заходах. Приміром, це відео може нагадати вам виступ Сергія і Аріани Борисових на зльоті випускників переяславських шкіл у 2018 році.
We are grateful to Sergiy Borysov and all who were involved in the donations for such invaluable cooperation. The victory is ours!
Information provided by the Department of International Relations of the University